Gained the Knowledge to Overcome and Fight Against Drugs

As a final step, it's time pick up the pieces in any area of life adversely impacted by addiction. The Changing Conditions In Life course helps you repair damage to your life, relationships, belongings, job. Even though it may not seem like it, the damage can be repaired. This course gives workable formulas you can use to help put your life back together and work toward a better future.

This was totally a new thing for me to know that everything has a certain state of existence. I have now regained an ability to take my life to the optimum level of survival. Now I feel that I can take my life back to a Normal condition as I have gained a lot of knowledge to overcome and fight against drugs by doing the Life Skills Courses here at Narconon Nepal.

Shankar M—Narconon Student


Gunjan Gautam

Qualifications Secretary at Narconon Nepal